Value Based Contracting - Damn the Torpedoes!?
My experience over the past three years assisting various healthcare clients with data and strategy have ultimately come to rest on one...
COVID and 20% Premium Increases
COVID-19 will likely result in 20% or higher health insurance premiums in 2021. COVID related claim costs are averaging $12,000 per...
Transforming Healthcare – Wheelbarrows and Ferraris
Heathcare transformation and innovation is difficult. The complex relationships and incentives require courage and leadership to overcome.
Life Inside a Healthcare Start-Up
A year ago I began G.O Strategic Advisors with the goal to be a bridgemaker - that is, help healthcare related start-ups connect with...
Is Virtual Reality A Nightmare For Health Insurers?
Opportunities to apply VR solutions appears to be significant, creating better care delivery, improved quality of life, and cost savings acr